Sunday, June 1, 2008

Singing the Gallbladder Blues

So I had a pretty cruddy week here. It all started on Wed. when I was suppose to visit some friends in Milwaukee for lunch. I was really looking forward to it. I came down with something and it wasn't pleasant. These ugly symptoms progressed into Friday. Friday afternoon I thought I was feeling better and decided to venture out to the Frolic (town carnival) with the kiddos. I did really well until the end of our evening and decided it was time to head home. John and Jen watched the kids while Brad ran me home.

The night went downhill from there. All week I was having this upper side pain to go along with my other symptoms. At about 1:00AM I thought I was truly going to die. Either that or in labor. And I knew that wasn't the case. I tried waking Brad to call my sister to take me to the ER with no such luck. I tell you that man is one sound sleeper. Somehow I got myself through the night in one piece minus my sanity. Alli had a 9:00AM game in Sun Prairie and being the nerotic mom that I am I wasn't going to miss it. (Good thing I didn't, she scored twice!) I was actually somewhat comfy throughout the game. Things started up again a little bit when we were headed home and Brad and Jen made me go to the ER. Ok I must say that I HATE the ER. There isn't much that I wouldn't do to avoid a trip to the ER. It's just an unpleasant place to be and takes soooo long. I didn't want to be there...period! Suprisingly I got placed in a room very quickly and had a young male nurse. They must of been pretty slow because before the nurse could take my history the MD came in. So there I was in this dreadful room with two good looking males getting ready to tell them all of my wonderful symptoms. I felt like I was going through childbirth again and was an open book. It wasn't long after the exam that the dr. got things rolling. A paramedic student came in and put in an i.v. That was a scary moment seeing the word student on his name tag. He did a good job though. He took a ton of blood also. Things were really looking like it was my gallbladder. After being a pin cushion it was off to U/S we went. That was pretty quick and uncomfortable.

In the end it turns out that I don't have gallstones but still have something going on that they are unsure of. I'm on a bland diet and meds to stop my stomach spasms. I was so incredible grateful that I got to burst their surgery bubble for at least now. I'm thinking that if I have another attack I may not be so lucky but at this point I need to just be good so that I can make it past our vacation! Oh how I love medicine!!! NOT!


The Wilsons said...

Oh sweetie! I hope you're feeling better. I had to have my gallbladder removed about a month before our wedding. I was in so much was awful!!! Hang in there.

Unknown said...

Hey Nick,

Gall Bladder - blues ain't nearly the word for it! When mine was bad, I was laying on the floor in the office. Didn't have the strength to call anyone by voice. Used my cell to call Ros in the next room...

Hey, Happy Birthday little bro! It's 12:30 in the afternoon on June 10 in Malaysia (you've still got 30 minutes left of June 9 over there....). Sitting at a cafe - on the ocean. We can see the chalet we stayed in the last couple nights. Fresh fruit juice, etc. Cool place!

Even better with a laptop, and a mobile-phone-modem thingy! We're off to orchid shopping after the ferry back to the mainland. Look up 'Bamboo Hill'. We were in Cabin 2.

I want to leave photos here but can't...

I'll post a couple here:

Nick - skip falling down the waterfall to break your hip. That's another experience you really just do not need. ;-)
